

Using DMPonline to write a data management plan (DMP)

Getting access

On DMPonline, Umeå University has the web address When you log in to DMPonline for the first time, you create an account using your Umu-ID. Then you can log in using your Umu-ID.


When you log into DMPonline, you come to My Dashboard where you have an overview of all your data management plans. On your dashboard, you can edit, share and download all your data management plans. You can also see all data management plans that your co-workers have shared with you and that other researchers have shared within Umeå University. When you click the Create Plan button, DMPonline will open a new data management plan for you and save it automatically.

Creating a plan and choosing a template

To create a plan, please click the Create plan button from the My Dashboard page or from the top menu. Please add a title and select a template. If you would like to use the template of Umeå University, please check the box 'No funder associated with this plan or my funder is not listed' and select one of the templates that appear. Please confirm your choice by clicking the Create Plan button.

The template of Umeå University is identical with that of the Swedish Research Council and follows the core requirements of Science Europe. It is accessible as a free-text template and as a question-based template. An advantage of the question-based template is that it provides a list with suggestions for answers for most questions.

You can also find other templates on the list of primary funding organizations, but unless your funding organization requires you to use one of them, please use one of the templates of Umeå University.

Umeå University offers two different types of templates with open or default answers, available both in Swedish and in English.

  • A template for open answers: DHP-UmU (Sve), DHP-UmU (Eng). This is the official template for Umeå University.
  • A template that offers default answers: DMP-Umu-question-based (Eng), DHP-Umu-fragebaserad (Sve). This template has the same structure as the template for open answers but provides specific suggestions for answers in the form checkboxes, drop-down menus and radio buttons.
  • A template for researchers working at KBC: DMP-Umu/KBC-question-based (Eng). This is a special version of the question-based template that takes the facilities at the KBC into account.

When you have picked a suitable template and created your data management plan, the tabs of DMPonline offer you a number of options to navigate through the different sections of your data management plan.

  • Project Details includes basic administrative details.
  • Contributors allows you to add contact details on all the contributors to the plan (data work in the project) and define their roles. Please NOTE! that the information you put in the Contributor section is not included in the download.
  • Plan Overview tells you what template and guidance your plan is based on and gives you an overview to the questions that you will be asked.
  • The following tab(s) (Write Plan) present the questions to answer. There may be more than one tab if your funder or university asks different sets of questions at different stages e.g. at grant application and post-award. Guidance is displayed in the right-hand panel.
  • Share allows you to invite others to read or contribute to your plan.
  • Download allows you to download your plan in various formats. This may be useful if you need to submit your plan as part of a grant application.

When viewing any of these tabs, you will see the different sections of your plan displayed. Click into these in turn to answer the questions. You can format your responses using the text editing buttons.

Administrative information

In this section, you can add funding agencies that are not on the list of primary funding organizations.

Add research outputs

Using this feature you can:

  • Enter a data type (e.g. dataset, software, image, etc), size of output and other information, for example, whether it contains sensitive info or not, what the initial access level will be (e.g. open, restricted, closed) and the anticipated publication date.
  • Select the repositories you intend to preserve the data object in (e.g. Dryad, Zenodo). List of repositories comes from the RE3DATA registry.
  • Select metadata standards (e.g. Dublin Core). Options come from the RDA Metadata standards catalog.
  • Select an appropriate licence. Options come from the SPDX license registry.

Fields such as repositories, metadata and licences are machine actionable, while fields such as data type follow glossaries in established RDM resources such as DataCite and the RDA metadata.

The information you enter here will provide your organisation with statistics on data generated by its users, e.g. how much data containing sensitive information is generated, where it is stored, size, etc.

This feature may be optional. Please contact your research support office to know more.

Share plans

One of the main advantages of writing a DMP within the DMPonline environment is that it can be shared on different levels. Collaborators can be invited to read and/or edit your plan by inserting their email address. The level of permission can be set via the radio buttons under Add collaborator.

Besides inviting collaborators, the person that creates a DMP has also the possibility to determine its visibility and openness.

The visibility can be set on three different levels:

  • Private (visible to the creator, collaborators, administrators)
  • Organisation (any DMPonline user at the owner’s organisation can view the plan – it is displayed on the dashboard)
  • Public (anyone using DMPonline all over the world can view the plan; public plans can be accessed under Reference/Public DMPs).

By default, all new and test plans will be set to 'Private' visibility. 'Public' and 'Organisational' visibility are intended for finished plans. You must answer at least 50% of the questions to enable these options.


Please NOTE! DMPonline does NOT automatically submit the DMP to your department. You must download your DMP (under section Download) and give it to the administrator at your department.

When you download a DMP, it is possible to choose, which parts of the template should be included in your download. The program offers to exclude the project detail cover-sheet, question texts and section heading or/and unanswered questions. This is because the DMP should act as a backbone and organizational help for your specific project. There is no need to mention actions which you do not take, nor give information that is not relevant for your project.

Useful resources on Data Management Planning

Example Data Management Plans

Useful guides on Research Data Management in general

  • Research Data MANTRA [online resource]
    An online training course designed for researchers or others planning to manage digital data as part of the research process. The course includes a number of software practicals on using SPSS, R, ArcGIS and NVivo.
  • Managing and Sharing Data: best practice for researchers [PDF, 36 pages]
    A guide by the UK Data Service covering a range of topics including data formats, documentation, ethics, copyright and data sharing.
  • How to Cite Datasets and Link to Publications [PDF, 12 pages]
    A guide by the Digital Curation Centre giving practical guidelines on how to cite data and the different tools and infrastructure that can be used to support data citation.
  • How to License Research Data [PDF, 16 pages]
    A guide by the Digital Curation Centre that outlines different types of licenses, the pros and cons of each and how they can be applied.
  • How to Appraise and Select Research Data for Curation [PDF, 8 pages]
    A guide by ANDS and the Digital Curation Centre on how to select which data to keep for long-term preservation, sharing and reuse. The guide puts forward several criteria to aid selection decisions.